Write Now: The Nine Ways to Make Yourself a Better Writer

Over the course of the writing and research of Write Now!: The Guide to Making it in Freelance Writing, I spent considerable time thinking about life as a writer: the successes, the hardships, the odd hours, and the opportunities I've been afforded. But nothing occupied my brain more than what it takes to be a writer. Then, …

Big Important News (& Apology)

Good afternoon, Write Now fans -- First off, my content has dwindled. I know this is true, but it was for a good reason. I loved getting blogs up, but I had a more important job to which to attend: Finishing and marketing my new book, Write Now!: The Guide to Making it in Freelance Writing, which …

It’s the most wonderful time of the year (But also the most difficult time of a freelancers year)

Good morning #WriteNow community! We're in the midst of the holiday season. One of my favorite days of the year is the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It's our day to bring the Christmas decorations upstairs, hang the lights and the stockings, and put on the famous Christmas playlist (don't judge! It's been carefully-curated for a few …